In step 5 of AFO, when you find out that the universe has delivered your attraction, and it has manifested for someone, DO NOT TELL THEM! This is hard to do. As you know, even I shared a few of my own attractions to help give you examples of how I came to understand the concept of Attracting for Others and just how powerful it is.

There is no doubt that hearing more success stories will only inspire us all. With that in mind, I have created this webpage for you. This site is a place to share your own stories, as well as to read personal experiences from others.

There are only a few rules. If you would like to use aliases for the names of people involved, that is completely up to you. I think you should do what you feel. Comments will post immediately. I’m going to trust that this site will only be used for the intended purpose of sharing manifested attractions with others.

Peace, love, and music,
Guitar Monk Mathew

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